How to bow to your life

by heidi_behr | Jan 29, 2019 | How to Feel Peace Now

Bow to your life. Pay homage. Can you?

If God said, “Rumi, pay homage to everything that has helped you enter my arms,” there would be not one experience of my life, not one thought, not one feeling, not any act, I would not bow to.  – Rumi

What if you could be bow to every experience of your life? What if you had gratitude for every single thing you have gone through? What would your life look life?

These are the kinds of amazing perspectives we are going to be discussing on my retreat in Nicaragua later this week (wish you were coming with us!) This is the kind of thing I help my clients with each day- ways to change their attachments to the past so they can hone new feelings about what has happened in their lives.

I am honored to do this work with those who entrust their stories to me. If you ever want to find out what it’s like to cultivate true peace with your past, please call me and I will share how.

Peace be with you – namaste!


I didn’t think I could meditate (but then something happened)


What you focus on will GROW