What’s wrong with me?

by heidi_behr | Oct 13, 2014 | Core beliefs, EFT, Manifest Abundance, Tapping

I have had more than a few clients who firmly believe there is something wrong with them.  They believe it because they’ve been told this a million times, in some way or another. Maybe you wonder about it that too. Our beliefs about ourselves can come from many things, like a parent or a sibling yelling at us, “Don’t do that–what’s wrong with you?”  And you might grow up not feeling smart or capable. It might have been blatant verbal or emotional abuse: “You’re stupid/ugly/worthless; I wish you were never born…”

Sometimes our concept of ourselves is also formed by others mistreating us as kids on the playground, where we got teased because of how we looked– skin color, gender, hair, clothes—anything that might have been perceived by another as “not fitting in.”  It may have been a cruel or heartless teacher who told us we couldn’t do something right (like my 8th grade art teacher telling me I was ‘awful at art”- and I believed her! That ruined my ability to feel creative for decades).

If you have some negative story or belief about yourself stuck in your head, you’re not the only one. Those things stick like GLUE it seems. I know—we all had events that happened to us when we were little, events that when we look back on, we find ourselves cringing. Those events, the ones that still make us cringe, they sort of have their hooks in us. They keep a grip on us- making us feel bad. They become core beliefs, ways we define ourselves as “not worthy, ugly, dumb, not capable, not creative….” And the list goes on.

New science is proving that it is our core beliefs that control our thought patterns, provide fuel for our emotions, drive the chemical changes in our body and essentially produce our reactions and attractions to the external world.  – Dawson Church

If you grew up being neglected, if your parents or caregivers were not available and were maybe even hurtful to you, or if bad things happened to you and you weren’t protected or safe, then you might have seen the world as a dangerous or scary place and may have had trouble trusting in others. Maybe your body hurts, harboring anxiety in so many cells. Maybe you started using substances to numb emotional pain. Maybe you’ve been drawn to drama and chaos because it is just so familiar. Would you like that to change?

What if I tell you that those old core beliefs, the ones that make you feel small, not valued, not worthy— that they are all mistaken? They’re not accurate. Even though you feel like you have a giant suitcase of evidence to the contrary. Those thoughts and beliefs are a mistaken impression that you got about yourself. And those old beliefs and ways of being in the world can change.

EFT/tapping can change the way you think about and relate to your past—which means your self-concept and your world view can transform. EFT helps you process the events that contributed to how you see yourself. Using EFT in my clinical practice, I have seen anxieties plummet, fears vanish, body symptoms calm(like stomach aches, headaches and insomnia), pain decreases, traumatic memories dull and lose their emotional impact. I learned about EFT just over 7 ½ years ago and use it every day with my clients, because I see remarkable effects.

If you don’t like how you think, feel or act, you probably have some core beliefs that need to be challenged and changed. These unchallenged thoughts contribute to unhappiness and pain. Our core beliefs have been the drivers in how we have thought, felt and acted for years.

Good news: you can tap on that! Your old core beliefs can change dramatically by using EFT/tapping.  I can show you how to start, or you can go to EFTUniverse  or The Tapping Solution and follow along with others who are changing their beliefs, actions and lives. It’s easier than you think and the time to start is now.  Love awaits.

I dare you to replace the image you have of yourself with the image that your Higher Power has of you. Where you see blocks and limitations, your Higher Power sees only love, ease, joy, and infinite potential. Come into agreement with that version of yourself in consciousness, and it will manifest in material form! – eftuniverse Facebook


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Bob Marley was right