How you are co-creating your world
by heidi_behr | Sep 6, 2016 | Forgiveness, Love, Relationship skills
Did you know you are co-creating your world? Yes, it’s true! You are a co-creator in your world. How things are is due, in part, to how you look at the world. In A Course in Miracles, it teaches:
Your thoughts determine the world you see.
So if you don’t like how things are, determine to see them differently. If you feel consumed with annoyance, with irritation, with frustration- stop and breathe. Take a few moments to be less specific about what you are upset about and shift towards being more general.
Here’s how this works: Say you are upset with your partner. You are thinking “They should not be acting like this. They are so annoying. I am so fed up with them. They need to change or we can’t be happy.”
Those thoughts bring you straight to unhappiness
(and another way to say it is they bring you straight to hell.).
If you don’t like being unhappy, don’t like being upset, shift your thinking.
Start challenging the negative thoughts and shift them like this –> “I know I’m upset with my partner, but I want to see things differently. Let me think about what else I know about this… maybe my partner has had a rough day at work. My partner may be trying hard to cope with whatever is bugging them inside… Maybe I don’t know what else is on his/her mind… maybe they are feeling my unhappiness with them and they are feeling inadequate. I don’t want them to feel badly. I want them to feel loved. Maybe I can breathe in again and focus on why I love him/her and remember why I want to be loving. Being loving and kind makes ME feel better. It helps me feel more like me.”
You are involved in the construction of your world.
The poet John O’Donohue shared that beautiful quote while speaking to Krista Tippet on her radio program On Being (click here for link to show). On Being is one of my favorite podcasts/programs and you can tune in to see why I turn to it again and again to help me with how I see the world.
I want to participate in co-creating a loving, beautiful world.
I believe you do too. It’s what we all seek: LOVE. We don’t have to look far, for love resides within us. It is waiting to be noticed so you can connect, tune in and feel GOOD. And it is waiting for us to then share love with others. You are involved in the construction of your world. You are co-creating your life. Be love, be kind. You will see how that shifts things in your relationships and in your world. This is how the Law of Attraction works– what you focus on is what you get more of. So focus on being LOVING and you will get more LOVE.
Namaste. Peace and love be with you!