What to do if the Coronavirus is freaking you out

by | Mar 23, 2020 | How to Feel Peace Now, Self-care Practices, Tapping

Hello dear ones– We are living in some weird scary times, aren’t we? It’s okay to acknowledge that the news of Covid-19 is freaking you out! You are not the only one who is concerned or feeling freaked out. Even therapists and spiritual teachers are feeling the stress of this unusual situation. Heck, even I noticed my nervous system feeling super revved up the past number of days! But I could tell I did NOT like feeling freaked out and afraid. In this post I will share with you what I’m doing to stay calm and what you can do too.

Here’s 10 practices to help you FeelPeaceNow:

(read the list, but here’s the last point: TAP! use my newly released Tapping Videos  on YouTube  or on my Instagram  or my Facebook page to help you find relief from Coronavirus fears)

  1. Immediately remove all news notifications from your phone. Yes– ALL of them! You don’t need the additional adrenaline of what is being purposefully force-fed to you via what the news thinks you need to know NOW. Just this one thing can help you have a calmer day.

  2. Download a meditation app– my fav is Insight Timer. Use this app (which is free and has over 30,000 mediations on it!) first thing in the morning instead of using your phone to check the news, check your email or social media.

  3. Use the meditation app to listen to guided imagery, or anything stress-relieving like calming music or chanting (I start my day listening to Kirtan chanting, mantra chanting– I LOVE it and it feels sooooo good to my mind, body, and spirit!) Using the app gives you instuctional support for guiding your compass towards peace and ease at the very start of your day– that is key! Even one minute of meditation is better than none.

  4. Tune yourself to your Well-Being right away each day. This means do some kind of morning practice that gets your into alignment with your Source, with Divine Energy, God, Spirit, Nature, the Universe, Higher Power…. this might be via meditation, where you sit quietly and just listen to sounds. Or it might be via praying or spiritual readings. It might be via writing a gratitude list…. there are many ways to point your compass to Well-Being (it’s natural setting) I just want you to recognize you can do so and do so purposefully because it will make you feel better!

  5. Eat healthy foods and drink good clean water. Skip the sugars, the chemical sh*t, the fried and packaged foods. Eat your veggies! Drink lots of clean water. Take care of your body.

  6. Move your body (see #7) Movement relieves stress! I’ll be taking even more walks and developing a stronger at-home yoga class. Many yoga studios offer online classes and YouTube has all kinds of free class options.

  7. Go outside even single day... go for a walk, a bike ride, or stretch outside. Here in Florida, we have an abundance of beautiful places we can go to enjoy the outdoors and still practice social distancing. Heck, you can even go with a friend, just meet them there and give yourself loads of space so no-one sneezes or coughs on each other.  Being in nature is a healing practice and one what will help you breathe easier.

  8. Be kind to yourself when you are upset or anxious or afraid. We are all feeling this increased level of distress, and it will come and go while we adjust our lives and cope with news as we hear it. Being kind to yourself when you don’t feel good is a way to show yourself love and acceptance. Self-compassion is a terrific self-care tool!

  9. Create & nurture connections. Decide who you enjoy talking the most with and purposefully connect with them via telephone or FaceTime each day. Think about who else you enjoy and start making time for regular connections. Maybe you’ll start a new online “meeting circle” with colleagues or pals so you all feel supported during this time of physical distancing? Even take virtual walks with your elderly loved ones, FaceTime them if they are stuck inside.

  10. Use EFT Tapping to calm your nerves. Repeat often! I got trained in EFT Tapping over 12 years ago and I still use it each day for myself and my clients. It works!

How does EFT really help?

Emotional Freedom Techniques (aka EFT or Tapping) have been shown to reduce stress signals in the brain and body, thereby allowing the nervous system to relax.  Even a few minutes spent Tapping on exactly what is bugging you (no pun intended) can help you calm your nerves and restore a sense of peace and well-being. My friends over at The Tapping Solution have an easy to use app with great Tapping audios on it to help you.

I see positive results with my clients each time we use Tapping in our sessions. Clients who continue to use Tapping at home, even once or twice a day, report significantly better outcomes than those who disregard the advice to “keep tapping.” 

Managing Social Distancing via Tapping & Virtual Support

Because we know this virus is highly contagious, social distancing is now the gold standard. I am still working with clients, but I am switching to seeing folks online. During the next few weeks I will be using FaceTime, telephone or Zoom– these all work great as long as you are in a private place.

To help alleviate Coronavirus stress, I’ve been releasing new EFT Tapping Videos  regularly on my YouTube channel, but you can also find them on my Instagram page and my Facebook page.

These EFT Tapping videos are designed to help boost your immune system as you tap down fears, as well as help you stay sane and healthy during this time of uncertainty.

If you already work with me, you have probably learned some about Tapping. I will be teaching it even more over the next weeks and months– it’s probably one of the best tools you can have for good self-care during times like this. It also helps eliminate blocks towards your happiness! Now may be the perfect time to do some self work. If you want to book an appointment, let me know.

Lastly, I do have a strong belief that everything is gonna be all right. I believe this, I know this, because I work out my spiritual musculature each day in my morning mediation and prayer practice. I’ve been keeping up that morning practice for over 20+ years because it is the one thing that steadies me when the world feels wobbly.

If you would like help establishing a morning practice while you #staythef*home, feel free to contact me. I provide spiritual guidance and coaching worldwide. 🙂

May peace and health be with you and yours. Namaste and I will see and talk with you soon.

– Heidi Behr


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