Combining Spiritual Well-Being Teachings & Neuroscience Practices to Help
You Access Peace, Love and Joy

In person retreats returning in 2022

What can change for you on a retreat?

What if you devoted some special time to deeply loving yourself more?

To accept yourself, make peace with the past, and see yourself through the eyes of love?
A love that changes everything.

Joy is my Compass is a safe space where you can let your guard down, prioritize your healing, self-growth, and experience inner transformation. This is the ideal container for you to discover how to move towards joy.

I was feeling pretty burnt out and the retreat really helped me get back into my own. There was a shift for me to refocus inward, figure out and allow for what I need. It was impactful to meet the other ladies, hear their stories and see how/where they shifted or had ah-ha moments. It helped me feel not so alone in all this. The retreat helped me get back into realignment with being able to focus on what I need to do for myself. All the lessons Heidi shared had points to help me to remember to check back in. I really enjoyed taking some much needed “me time” to better connect with myself and what I need to stay connected.”

– E, Public Health Social Worker


You don’t have to be last on your list anymore.
(Yes, I'm talking to you, moms who eat burnt toast and womxn who do everything for others but yourself.)

This is for YOU, who work day and night making the world a better place, yet in need of restoration yourself. How could you not after all you do?

You give so much that you get depleted.
You get worn out from sharing your healing and creative energy.
You need to have your cup filled back up.

By going on this retreat, your life can be going in a whole new direction.



This retreat is exclusively designed for a small intimate group, where vulnerability is respected and honored as the highest offering.

You’ll discover:

  • Freedom from pent-up emotions as you let go of limiting beliefs,

  • Clarity about hard things you’ve lived through

  • A lighter perspective of where you are now

  • Tools to help you with daily emotional self-care

  • Deepened knowledge about what brings your heart joy

  • How to stay connected to this enlivened joy.


Retreats have always been a touchstone in my life. I attended and worked on them as a teen and realized I could use them as a teaching tool for my clients, to help them overcome hard things.

On the retreat, I show you how I repaired my own heart and found a way to point my compass to joy. Twenty-one years ago, I came out of an abusive 1st marriage by reconnecting to my intuition (surprisingly via playfulness). When I allowed myself to follow my joy, I felt invigorated and strengthened to change my life.

For many years now, through cultivating a morning practice, I’ve experienced a deeper sense of peace and calm, which led to be able to forgive things from the past (read=my ex). Learning how to connect to peace in my heart while also nurturing my joy helped me blossom into an artist and writer, passions that had laid dormant in my heart for decades.


“Talk about diving deep! I was motivated and inspired after attending Heidi’s retreat. She brought joy to places in my life that I had not experienced in a very long time. I gained a lot from this retreat and truly learned to feel peace NOW!”

– Chris, Entrepreneur, Florida

I really craved some space and some time to go within, and because I love your work I knew the program would be amazing. And it was. The timing of the self-compassion piece was perfect for me. I’m holding myself more lovingly now, making more time to (re)tune. Being kinder towards myself. Six weeks is perfect to go deep enough, and to really allow the connections to grow. I loved the End of Week Round-ups too, they really fueled the connection.”

– Yvon, Wellness Coach, The Netherlands

The Joy is My Compass retreat was a life-changing experience, internally and spiritually. There are things I learned that will be with me for the rest of my life. I learned to put my emotional and spiritual health first in the morning by taking time for myself and to ease into the day with inspirational readings and journaling. Waiting at least an hour before letting the outside world in has helped so much with my mindset for the remainder of the day. Heidi is a fantastic teacher and gave me so many new tools to use when trying to cope with all that life throws at us each day. First and foremost is we are deserving of love and joy so let love and joy point the way to a happier more fulfilling life. The experience was all the more special for having shared it with dear friends, my daughter and her fiancé.”

– Lynne, CPA, Washington DC

During this self-care/deep-dive-into-Self-Love retreat you get:

  • A greater sense of peace in your heart & mind, from opening yourself to these wisdom tradition teachings.

  • A stronger feeling of Self Love.

  • Clarity about hard things you’ve lived through, with a lighter perspective of where you are now with tools to help you with daily emotional self-care.

  • Deepened knowledge about what brings your heart joy & how to stay connected to this enlivened joy.

  • Stronger feeling of trusting your intuition & practices to stay connected to your compass, your inner guidance system.

You'll also get:

  • Powerful personal-growth workshops (see details below) where you learn how to channel love for yourself in a deep way.

  • Guided meditation in each session to help rest & re-set your body and soothe your soul. Many folks feel meditation-averse & this so this guided group meditation let’s you build a new muscle, getting practice for starting the day with quiet time.

  • Guidance & instruction on building your own version of a “quiet time” Morning Practice, to put your emotional & spiritual health first each day, reinforcing the retreat teachings & helping you ease into the day.

  • EFT Tapping practice to calm your nervous system, to help identify & release anything that weighs down your heart, including old limiting beliefs, old resentments & sorrows.

  • Daily journal prompts, to deepen your reflection & support your retreat-at-home experience.

  • Curated Insight Timer playlist of guided meditations & mantra music to help you have more tools to use in your Morning practice

  • Curated booklist, podcast recordings & other resources to support your desires to learn and expand your mindset.

  • Your own JOY COMPASS journal

  • Compass Calibration Resource Guide of teaching nuggets, including curated poems of the day & art from HeidiBehrLCSW

“Heidi is amazing, a trusted spiritual healer. When I heard about the online retreat I thought, “that could be cool. But, retreats can be hokie." HAHA! But, then I considered who Heidi is and knew that it would be awesome. I immediately went to my boss and asked about the time I would need to participate every week and he agreed!

I knew that the universe can make space if you need it. I had no idea how much I needed it! I made the weekly handouts into a “book” and printed out some of the poems because Heidi said its important to have things around that inspire and I took that to heart. That first poem REALLY did something to me. When I read it, I felt a release and a closeness to others. It was like someone else knew how I had been feeling.

One of the things that was most impactful was the tapping and hearing the group talk about their experiences. It was so awesome to tap along while someone was working through an issue. I loved creating relationships with all of the women. It was so fantastic to talk to the women about the wonderful occurrences that I experienced while also supporting them! I was able to gather insight from Heidi's lessons. I reduced my stress and the voice of negativity in my head.

I could go on and on. I am a lifelong believer in this process. I am so grateful for this amazing and fulfilling experience. I’m so glad we met twice a week. I wanted all the time that I could get with Heidi and the participants.”

– Katie, Tech Sales Team Leader

Imagine, in a very short time, you could feel like Katie and the others above.

By carving out time for this retreat, your spirit will be NURTURED.

When is the last time you took extensive time to nurture yourself?

Are you ready to find your joy?

Retreats are being scheduled for 2022…. get on the waiting list to grab your spot first!