Look to the Light – great advice I took from my favorite musician Michael Franti
Michael Franti is one of my favorite musicians. His lyrics are incredible and accurately describe feelings, struggles and yearnings that we all have. Many of his songs (in the last few years especially) are energetic and uplifting. I am always happy and comforted when I hear his music. But this week I wasn’t happy.
How to actually feel better
Last weekend I took a trip to DC with my husband. We saw family and friends and really had a great time. But we were also SO BUSY! So it was not really relaxing, and I have to say I came home wanting to feel a little better (please know I am not complaining, just reflecting on the need to have genuine rest along with relaxation).
3 things you can do right now to treat anxiety (and feel happiness again)
Don’t you hate it when you feel anxious? I do. The nagging thoughts, the distress, the body feeling jittery or nervous or unsettled. The sleep troubles (UGH!! I especially hate those!). So what can help? How can you find your way back to happiness again?
What I’ll be doing the next couple of weekends & Mindfulness Summit
Hello! I hope this finds you well! I am excited for two reasons: 1) My upcoming season of family celebrations. And 2) the exciting Mindfulness Summit coming up in less than 2 weeks! In the next 8 days I get to help celebrate: my mom’s birthday, my parent’s anniversary, my niece’s birthday and my birthday. In my family, when it’s time for birthdays, it’s time to gather, have a great happy meal together, laugh a lot and enjoy sharing love.
Treasures from Wayne Dyer and my trip to New Hampshire
As many of you know, last week I was working with the Wounded Warrior Project up in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. It was a great week. I am so glad I was there. While I was up in NH, I hiked with the warriors and wives on the Project Odyssey retreat. I found so many treasures in the forests and fields up in the White Mountains. While looking at my picutres today I also found some quotes from a Wayne Dyer lecture from probably 8 or 10 years ago:
The time I got to dance with a dolphin and other experiences with Wounded Warriors Project
This week I won’t get to dance with a dolphin. That was 3 years ago. But this week will surely hold some great and unique experiences – maybe moose sightings! All next week I’ll be helping out the Wounded Warriors Project (WWP) on their Project Odyssey retreat – this time in upstate New Hampshire.
5 (or more) practices for increasing daily happiness
If the world we live in is a reflection of our hearts, what kind of world do we see? Take a minute to notice what your world looks like to you. And now think for a minute, what kind of world do you want to see?
Thoughts you probably have sometimes ( I know I do!)
At the wonderful age of 50, I was sitting here contemplating, “Will they think I’m stupid? Will I be judged for my spelling?” Seriously?! But I worried- what will my friends or clients or referral sources or even strangers who read this– the ones who are grammarists— what will they think? Will those who don’t know me well judge me as stupid or foolish for not spelling a word correctly?
How to know if you are worth it (and one of my fav videos on gratitude)
Right now, take your pulse. Go ahead, I can wait…. (I just tried to feel mine in my wrist- I can’t feel it- yikes! No wait– I can feel it in my throat– whew! There it is. I am officially alive!)
How to find happiness (notes from the Dalai Lama & Yoga Sutras, and me)
Yesterday I was looking through my little prayer journal and I found a quote I’d copied from Meditations From the Mat, by Rolf Gates: “Our thoughts create impressions on our souls (samskaras) - these impressions, in turn, predispose us to similar thoughts.”
How to Not Be So Hard on Yourself: Scientific Benefits of Self-Compassion
Didn’t most of us hear something like this growing up? “Don’t be soft” “Crying is for sissies.” “Buck up.” “Don’t cry over spilt milk.” There might be many more phrases in your head from your family of origin,
Having a quickie
Want to have a quickie? A quick break, quick stress reliever (that isn’t food, sex, pills or alcohol?) Try brief meditation. It can literally change your brain and improve your health. Here’s a funny short video that explains how:
Do you play this game? Wanna learn how to NOT play it?
Last week I went to an art show with my husband. He looked so nice. But I was tired from the long work day, so I stayed in my work clothes instead of getting more dressed up. When we got to the event, I saw how others were dressed. And The Compare Game started….. “Why didn’t I dress up?… That lady looks nicer than me… Why did I wear this?… What do they think of me?…”
Practices to end my suffering
I was reading about this in my Meditations from the Mat book this week. (I know I keep talking about that book– b/c I LOVE IT! ) It is so true– I do these things to end my suffering, I do these things to keep me sane, healthy and happy:
How to be a miracle worker
You can make miracles happen by changing your thoughts. A miracle is a change in perspective. Mindful awareness will help you chose how you want to be. (hint: you can choose to breathe SLOW and deep if you are feeling triggered and want to figure out how to feel better)
One sure way to increase your happiness
This morning I was stumped. And instead of trying to think my way out of the problem, I used tapping. EFT- Emotional Freedom Techniques. (You may have read about tapping previously on my blog here.) Within the second round of tapping, the solution popped into my head! Yay!! Boy did I feel better. Much happier.
Why not being able to eat apples upset me this week
Notice what you are feeling. Really feel it for a moment. Did I catch you are a good time? Or a bad time? Are you hungry? Tired? Excited? Frustrated?
How to transform
What if you believed this truth: like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly, you too can transform! You can be your best self. It will take some work, some effort. And it is worth it. YOU ARE WORTH IT.
You can change your life- come learn how
You have more power than you know. We all do. Sometimes we forget this, but it’s true. You can change your thoughts. But maybe you’re not sure how? For just a moment, I want you to focus on one thing. Your breath.